Kevin Is Hot! - Part I: A Life In Sports!
Canada's Popular Star-Athlete!
When fans saw the Kevin Zegers, 13, in Air Bud 2
and It Came From The Sky, they gasped. When
they saw him at 14 in TV's So Weird! Oct 1999,
some became delirious!
But when they watched the 15-year-old Kevin in his now-unforgettable mirror
scene in Time Share (TV broadcast, June 18,
2000), they couldn't believe their eyes and practically begged this web
site for pictures!
The popular teen star from Canada had become a full-fledged hunk!!
Kevin Zegers has been an athlete all his life! |
Kevin's Life In Sports!
Kevin's chiseled chest, broad shoulders, and strong arms had their roots
in years of playing sports! Since practically his kindergarten days, Kevin
Zegers has been involved with competitive sports! He started with ice
hockey, at the age of 4! But he quickly added basketball, football, and
He also became an avid golfer and was active in track & field
while only in elementary school. He has competed on school teams
in both football and basketball. Kevin has even done some kickboxing!
Since Kevin is such a great athlete in real life, it is not surprising
that movie producers want him to do more of the same on screen! So far,
we have seen him in basketball, football, and baseball! And with Air Bud
3, we see Kevin in a new sport: soccer! All this activity can't help but
make Kevin a well-built guy!
And although his awesome look in the Fox Family TV movie Time
Share did the most to accelerate attention on his muscles,
new Kevin fans should know that Kevin has been showing off his
bod on screen for years! At age 10, Kevin did a swimming pool
scene in Specimen. At 12, he did the
entire final scenes of Shadowbuilder
and Komodo without a shirt. In It
Came From The Sky, Kevin (only 13) did much of his role
wearing little more than shorts! Fear of the Dark and The
Incredible Mrs Ritchie featured astonishing scenes of Kevin's
arms in his late teens! He even had a skinny-dipping scene in
Some Things That Stay.
Kevin Lifts Weights - and his muscles GROW!
Around the time after filming 4 Days (Fall 1998),
Kevin, 14, took up weight-lifting in earnest. While basketball and soccer
keep you in shape, they really don't work the individual muscles as intensely
as iron plates and barbells do! Kevin must have known this, for he was hitting
the gym sometimes several days a week!
One can only imagine how many hours Kevin spent doing bench presses,
curls, and pullovers; working his pecs, biceps, and shoulders with endless
repetitions. Heavy iron plates became Kevin's tools of choice to build
up his muscles to their peak!
Kevin, 15
To better understand this dramatic change, examine the following pictures
that show Kevin's upper body at three different ages: |
At 13, Kevin was already showing impressive development in his
shoulders and chest.
At 14, Kevin was 5'6" weighing about 120 lbs. This picture of
him from Komodo came from around the time
Kevin began serious weight-lifting. The growing muscularity of Kevin's
upper body is already noticeable, particularly in his chest.
Kevin's normal body weight is now 145 lbs. And you can bet those added 25 lbs were totally fat-free!
Click on the "Age 15" picture above (from the movie Time
Share) and you will see just how much muscle Kevin added to
his back and shoulders! Kevin's back looks amazingly powerful in this
Kevin Zegers is one of the buffest teen actors
around! |
Kevin at 17
By the age of 17, the teen star of Air Bud was stronger
than ever. Kevin had boosted his weight from his normal 145 to 160 for filming The Incredible Mrs Ritchie, and you can bet he was doing plenty of working out to make sure every added ounce was muscle!
His best bench press is a whopping 285 lbs!
Kevin's physical development was plainly obvious in the films he made in his teens. Fans who watched him in Fear
of the Dark, Wrong Turn, and
The Incredible Mrs Ritchie, were given
ample opportunity to see the growth he had achieved as a result
of his heavy workouts.
Kevin keeps training!
Kevin finished high school in June 2002 and moved to Los Angeles.
And while he continues to advance his acting career, he remains
as physically active as ever. He has already played several games
with the Hollywood Knights, a celebrity basketball team that raises
money for local Los Angeles high schools. In 2003, Kevin was doing
a LOT of running (10 miles at a time!) as well as playing ice hockey
and golf! He was still active on the hockey team in 2005!
And while most people would think that Kevin is already plenty built,
the popular young actor continues to do what it takes to keep in
shape. Pictures taken of him in May 2007 (age 22) while filming The Narrows in New York City showed him in a plain white tank top, displaying a pair of incredibly buffed arms. The Jan 2008 issue of Vanity Fair Italia showed a sleeveless Kevin who showed every bit of finely chiseled muscle that he had when he was in his teens.
Kevin wants his body to look the absolute best he can for the
camera! And that means pushing every muscle to the limit...and
beyond. Whether it means lifting a heavier barbell or adding
an extra mile to his run, in the end it means being stronger
and in better shape - for himself and for his fans!
So when you look at Kevin and the dramatic results of all of his
workouts, consider it as more proof of what an extaordinary guy
Kevin is!
Related Links:
Kevin Is Hot!
Part I - A Life In Sports!
Part II - A Closer Look At Kevin's Muscles!
Part III - Kevin: How Strong Is He?
Kevin's Muscles! A page dedicated to the muscles
of Kevin Zegers!
NOTE: The information above comes from the letters sent to me by people
who have known Kevin Zegers personally. If there is anything that needs
correction, please write me at