These pictures
were all taken during a single workout when Tim was 12. His weight
was 105.
while holding 150 pounds of weight on his shoulders. His quads are
tightly flexed as he works them hard with the heavy weight.
raises with 150 pounds on his shoulders. Below his feet are a model
railroad car and a model car. The railroad car cannot be seen because
the pressure from his muscles has crushed it into the model car
below it, merging the two into one.
does running-broadjumps by leaping off a model car after a running start,
and then bounding over a step. Tim's leg must propel his body upward as
well as forward, greatly increasing the difficulty of the move. Despite
the obstacles, Tim can leap a distance of 10 feet past the step.
At 12, Tim's calves could exert a force of 450 pounds! Such colossal power
is evident in the size and definition of his calves.