This Is Me (Published in Teen Life Magazine, Jan 1966) Last month LUKE HALPIN took you into his confidence and revealed how dangerously he lives. In this concluding chapter he continues his intimate thoughts. (Full text below picture)
This is me... Morning, I like to wake up to the sound of music. I like to wake up, period. And best of all, I like a hearty breakfast -- the works. "I marvel at your appetite," my mother beamed the other morning as she set a batch of food before me. "The wonder is that you never gain an ounce." And I don't. I think I get more exercise in the course of a day than anybody I know. Sitting still isn't one of my favorite indoor or outdoor sports. I guess you can describe me as a go! go! go! guy. Noon, Last month I told you that I dig HERMAN'S HERMITS. That Herman is loaded with talent and personality. According to what I've read about him we have a lot in common. We both dig clothes, are family-type boys and yet have a strong sense of independence. We're not ashamed to admit that our parents know more than we do; that when they set down rules and regulations we know they are doing it because they love us. I understand that Herman has a sentimental streak a mile long. Me, too. Most kids feel the same way. and Night My days and nights are pretty hectic. Between scenes of Flipper I have to spend a certain amount of hours going to school. Naturally, I look forward to this break even though I have a passion for acting. I've learned the trick of budgeting my time so that I can live a normal life. And I do consider dating, going to the movies, going to parties and the like a normal and satisfying life. I've got many hobbies and interests (training Flipper is one of my faves) and that includes reading your letters. |