Luke Halpin's athletic prowess is well known to his fans: excelling at sports and swimming is second nature for the young jock, and fans get to watch his well-toned muscles in action every week. But many fans may be surprised to learn that among Luke Halpin's "sports" is an activity that would probably scare the daylights out of conventional athletes: catching sharks! TV producer Ivan Tors needed to round up some live sharks for the Flipper TV show. You would think that the star of a TV show would defer to the "experts." But Luke Halpin gladly took on the job himself! In Season 2, we find a particularly impressive view of Luke's arms flexing in Episode 44, Shark Hunt. In this episode, Sandy finds an injured diver who was attacked by an infestation of sharks. Sandy helps clear out most of the sharks using a special shark repellent. But he also captures some of them for the local Seaquarium. Capturing live sharks is dangerous and very difficult. Sandy does this by laying out baited hooks, and coming back the next day to haul up the thrashing sharks manually up into the boat. Luke Halpin had this to say about the job: "When sharks were neeed for a Flipper segment I went on an expedition with Mr. Tors. This is no job for weaklings because sharks are mean - real mean. I had to put lines out with fifty fish hooks and return the next morning for the haul. I can tell you they are kind of mad - mean, mean and mad. Nobody likes them and the sharks like nobody, especially me, since I'm the one who has set the trap for them. There's nothing lovable about a shark," Luke said, "which is putting it mildly." This animation was prepared using screen captures from this scene: Animation: Luke Halpin Arm Flexion (from Ep 44, Shark Hunt) In Shark Hunt, Luke is shown reeling in live sharks all by himself. Seeing him wrestling with a thrashing shark speaks volumes for Luke's Halpin's abilities as an athlete. Catching a live shark takes lots of stamina and a good strong pair of arms that can outlast a shark and keep it under control. Like Luke has said, shark catching is definitely not for weaklings. Sharks are big and extremely mean, especially to the people that set the traps. You are dealing with a big sea monster who is doing everything he can to free himself and is not above attacking its catcher. Does Luke Halpin have what it takes to take on a shark? You bet! As an athlete, Luke possesses plenty of stamina to outlast a thrashing sea animal. But there is one other thing he has that assures his success: strong arms. Luke Halpin's Arm Muscles And just as important, Luke has a good strong pair of arms that can take on the power of a full grown, angry shark. Here are a few pictures taken from the previous gallery to illustrate Luke Halpin's arm development:
Luke Halpin's Biceps The human body contains over 600 muscles. But it is the biceps that garners the most adoration and interest. For some people, the biceps can make or break a person's entire physique. Luke Halpin's arms are certainly impressive in other episodes of Flipper. But what are Luke's arms like in Ep 44? Specifically, how big are Luke Halpin's biceps in Shark Hunt? There is no information about the actual measurement of Luke's biceps, of course. But Luke Halpin has nevertheless prepared for that very question. For Ep 44, he wore sleeves that were cut especially short, allowing virtually his entire upper arm to be seen. Anyone who wanted to examine the size and development of his biceps would now be able to do so without any obstacles. Here are a series of closeup pictures from Shark Hunt of Luke Halpin's biceps:
In a word, Luke Halpin's bicep is amazing. Luke may not be a 250-pound football player, but he nevertheless possesses a bicep whose shape and appearance projects exceptional size and mass. Luke's biceps is incredibly dense and separated. Most biceps are best seen fully flexed, of course. But Luke's bicep is so strong, that even when it is stretched out, it is still impressive. It is as if Luke is trying to flex his muscle when his arm is still extended, forcing the bicep to swell up from his arm. Since there is no way for the bicep to achieve maximum size, it instead becomes intensely hard. How is Luke able to make his bicep so incredibly hard? Luke Halpin, being an expert in water sports, developed his arm muscles through years of swimming, diving, and other sports. Luke's bicep is pure, 100% muscle, zero fat, and incredibly strong. Luke Halpin's Arms vs the Shark Without a doubt, Luke Halpin has the muscles to handle shark hunting. Just looking at his amazing biceps is proof enough of his strength. Whoever wonders what kind of arms it takes to catch sharks, he need look no further that to watch the arm muscles of Luke Halpin. Here, then, is the shark hunt scene from Ep 44. As you study these pictures, watch the progression of his arm muscles from frame to frame as Luke pulls up on the yellow rope.