All About Me (Published in 16 Magazine, March 1965) Read the questions you asked in your letters to Luke -- and his frank and full answers! (Full text below pictures)
Wow, do I get letters! And letters and letters and letters and, oh well -- you know what I mean! And I LOVE each and every one of them. But guess what? Right now it is just impossible for me to sit down and personally answer each one -- as much as I WANT to. Since I find that a lot of questions are repeated often in my mail, I have decided to accept 16's kind invitation to tell all about myself and, at the same time, let you friends of mine out there in on the real facts about yours truly, Luke Halpin. Here goes: "Do you live with your parents?" Definitely. I'm not one of those cats who prefer a bachelor pad. My mom, dad and I live in a modern house in northeast Miami, with a big swimming pool out back. My dog "Whiskey" took an unexpected dip last week when he stepped into the water to grab one of his toys that had fallen in. He really didn't know from water, and you should have seen his look of shock when he bobbed up. I had to go in and get him out. Well, he's no Flipper, that's for sure. Recently, a local newspaper printed my home address and phone number. I had some time for a while, what with the cars driving by with folks staring in and the boats (there's a channel next to our house) motoring slowly by with more of same. I felt as though I was in a goldfish bowl, but eventually the traffic subsided and everything is back to normal. "What kind of car do you have?" Am I glad you all asked that! I used to want a Corvette, but finally I decided on a GTO. I am 17 and you can drive in Florida at that age. I use the car on dates and use it to drive to work. A company car used to pick me up, but it's loads more fun to go tooling in at the wheel of my own GTO! "Have you ever met Patty Duke?" Surely. I've known Patty for years. We were friends when we studied at Quintano's School for Professional Children. We lived in the same Long Island neighborhood, and used to take the Astoria subway into town together. I really like her. She is a lovely, nice person. I never miss her show. "Is the porpoise on Flipper real?" I'll say. I don't know where some of you got the idea that the porpoises are made of rubber. There are four different ones used on the show. Their names are Patty, Cathy, Suzie, and Scotty. I named them. They are all girls. It seems girl porpies are brighter than boys! "Do you do your own underwater work?" Yes. There are no stunt men or stand-ins on Flipper. Going underwater is the most interesting part of my work. You have no idea how beautiful it is down there. Once I brought mom a lovely piece of coral. When it dried, it looked like a small black Japanese tree. She keeps it on the mantelpiece. "Do you wear any jewelry?" I have two rings that I usually wear. One is a gold "Boy on a Dolphin" ring made from the original antique coin. I understand that there are only four such coins in existence. The producer of the show, Mr. Tors, gifted me with it. I have a diamond and gold ring that my folks gave me about a year ago. I also have a cross on a chain, but I can't wear it on the show because it gets tangled with the equipment I have to use underwater. I wear an underwater wristwatch that is owned by MGM. "Did you ever make a record?" Yes. I made an MGM LP called Flipper's New Adventure. I narrate the whole story and there is a musical background. On it you can actually hear the sounds porpoises make. If you can't get it at your record store, tell them to order it for you from MGM Records, 1540 Broadway, New York City. "Would you ever make a singing record?" As my mom says, "All boys sing!" I sang in the Broadway shows Take Me Along and Annie Get Your Gun. If I'm approached, I'd surely like to try it! "How do you spend your spare time?" Listening to records. I like all the current hits and I enjoy mom's collection of TV and movie themes. I love listening to the soundtrack of West Side History. "How did you get started in movies?" Mr. Tors came to New York for general interviews for someone to play in the original Flipper movie. I got an appointment. He asked me if I could swim and I told him yes. He than asked me if I would swim with a dolphin -- and I said yes. I was a good swimmer. (I'd learned in the rough ocean off Long Island.) I was just turning 14. He watched me swim in a hotel pool and liked me. Later, he took me to Nassau and introduced me to my first porpoise. I was hesitant to jump in with her. One of the owners, Mrs. Santini, got in with her and showed me how easy it was. The next day I dove right in. I'm still friends with "Mitzi", that first dolphin. Two weeks ago I went to see her where she lives in Key West. I feel sure she recognized me. Porpoises are very sensitive and we have to keep our nails cut low to keep from hurting them. "Do you have a pet expression that you use a lot?" "You'd better believe it!" That's the expression. |