A Love Letter From Luke Halpin (Published in 16 Magazine, July 1965) (Full text below pictures)
Dearest One, This evening when I came home from the studio - which is actually the Atlantic Ocean, I found once again over a hundred letters from you waiting for me on my desk. As I sat down to read them, and to try to answer at least a few of them, it occurred to me that 16 Magazine would be a perfect place to write one letter to all of you! I'm sure you understand that there just are not enough hours in each day to do my TV work, my school work, eat, sleep, and still answer each letter I receive. So now I have a way of writing this very personal letter just to you. As you all probably know by now, the Flipper series will be continued at the same time on NBC TV each Saturday evening at 7:30. Meanwhile during the summer months you can see the re-runs of the show. You can't imagine how thrilled I was when I learned Flipper is to be continued. On behalf of myself and the rest of the cast and crew - A great big "Thanks to You"! Flipper herself, of course, is extremely pleased...as you can tell by her constant happy smile. I still don't know for sure if another movie will be made, but the TV series will keep me busy all summer. I also hope to be doing some personal appearances. Let's hope I do - or a movie - "keep your fingers crossed", and maybe I can get to see you in person. Now getting down to those intimate questions that you often ask. Am I going steady? No - I date different girls from my neighborhood, in North Miami, and when I go to New York on vacation I date some of the girls I grew up with. But "you better believe it" there is no "steady" girl in my life! I'm just plain not ready for that yet. It's possible for me to change my mind, however. Who knows - You may be the girl who will do it for me. How did I celebrate my 18th birthday, on April 4th! Well - surprise!...by moving into a new house. Our lease was up, and our old house was sold. So we found another - "just as lovely a house", in the same area. On the evening of the 4th, we had a sort of house warming and birthday party. Guests included Mr. Dick Genth, his charming wife (he designs and builds those beautiful Thunderbird and Formula speed boats we use in Flipper). Dr. Allen Solo, and his lovely wife, and a lot of the kids from the neighbor- hood. It was a terrific party and I sincerely wish you could have been there. Well space and time have run out on me, but I promise I'll be writing to you again real soon. Meanwhile, Stay Happy, and if you have time write to me again. Before I close may I say "Thank you for the lovely birthday cards". Bye and Love - |