Episode Guide
These are plot summaries
of all storylines involving Kevin in "Titans".
NOTE: Kevin Zegers did
not appear in Episodes 1 and 2.
Episode 3 (18 Oct 00 broadcast):
Williams is amazed when two officious visitors arrive
at her doorstep to "deliver the boy", her abandoned
nephew Ethan. The gracious lady gently asks the boy if
he is willing to stay with her, and he gives her an indifferent
assent. Gwen's daughters, Jenny and Laurie, do not trust
the boy, but she insists on letting the boy stay, and
even presents him as the guest-of-honor at a family dinner.
But the boy resents being "paraded around in a monkey
suit" like a prize-horse, and tries to run away.
Gwen intercepts him just as he is about to leave, and
convinces the bitter teen to stay. She may regret her
generosity, however, for she is not aware that Ethan has
a dark past of vandalism and a hot temper.
Episode 4 (25 Oct 00 broadcast):
takes a morning swim before breakfast. But when he casually
enters the kitchen and drips water all over the floor,
Gwen makes him clean it up. Ethan resents being treated
like a kid, but Gwen won't tolerate his arrogance. Gwen
then asks if he has read her brochure about a prep school,
but Ethan begs to go to a public school instead. Gwen,
however, won't give in, and even enlists her ex-husband's
help in arranging an entrance interview with the school.
Ethan is accepted into the school, and despite his initial
reluctance, he is now visibly pleased. Also in this episode,
Ethan attends Heather's formal launch of the Dress2K.com
web site.
Episode 5 (1 Nov 00 broadcast):
is getting scuba lessons from Laurie, and frets about
Gwen making him take French lessons to get into the Bramley
prep school. Later on he sees Jenny, a recovering alcoholic,
drinking in the kitchen. He confronts her about it when
she tries to make him believe she skipped a theater date
because of a migraine. "I know what it's like to
be alone," Ethan says, and then tells her something
he had never told anyone before: that because of the bruises
he'd suffer from his father's beatings, he would only
go out when no one else was around.
Episode 6 (8 Nov 00 broadcast):
uncle Richard (Heather's husband) has just died of a sudden
heart attack. At home, Ethan comforts Jenny, offering
a "shoulder to cry on" whenever she needed one.
At the funeral wake, he meets Richard's brother Jack for
the first time. Ethan recalls how his own mother didn't
have a formal get-together when she died. The bitter memory
still hurts as he tells Jack that he had barely known
Richard when he died. Ethan now wonders if it wouldn't
be better just to stay alone: "You get stomped on
a lot less."
Episode 7 (15 Nov 00 broadcast):
using his telescope, Ethan sees an attractive girl (Faith,
played by Katie Stuart) who happens to be his next-door
neighbor. Much to his surprise later, the girl turns out
to be Ethan's new French tutor. Gwen had hired Faith -
a star student at the Bramley School - after Ethan's insolence
finally drove his first French tutor to quit.
Episode 8 (22 Nov 00 broadcast):
the new French tutor turning out to be a bad influence
on Ethan? In the opening scene, Faith is seen playing
video games with Ethan when they are supposed to be doing
French homework. When Gwen comes in, Faith proposes that
she take Ethan on a "field trip" to a French
film festival. But she uses the occasion to make off with
Gwen's car, dragging along the protesting Ethan. During
the date, she smooches with Ethan and embarasses him by
proclaiming that this was his first kiss. Later on, she
plots more mischief at a golf course. But this time Ethan
refuses to go along, wanting instead to spend a quiet
evening at home. Faith reacts angrily at this apparent
cop-out and leaves: "I'm not paid to baby-sit!"
Episode 9 (4 Dec 00 broadcast):
interrupts Faith's tennis practice demanding to know why
the 5 messages he had left for her were never answered.
She replies that "Danger" must be in his repertoire
before he can gain her interest. Ethan reacts scornfully
to this, and then roughly invites her to Chandler's birthday
party at the Pulse Club, an invitation she accepts. But
no sooner do the two arrive at the club does the man-hungry
Faith decide to abandon Ethan on the dance floor in favor
of a cute guitar player (real-life guitarist from Box).
Ethan leaves, fuming. But later Faith turns the tables.
This time, it is Faith who interrupts Ethan on the tennis
court. While he rants over her flirting, she turns on
her seductive charm, and easily wins back the unresisting
Episode 10 (11 Dec 00 broadcast):
Gwen catches Faith going through her purse, she fires
her on the spot as Ethan's French tutor, and then tells
Ethan not to see her anymore: "And before you tell
me I'm not giving you a choice - I'm not." Ethan,
however, not only continues to see her (she's been showing
him around during his first day at Bramley School), he
(reluctantly) allows her to throw a party at his house
while Gwen is out of town. Ethan knows he's going to get
in trouble, but is unable to resist Faith's embrace.
Episode 11 (18 Dec 00 broadcast):
wild party at Gwen's home almost ends in tragedy when
Jenny, extremely drunk, nearly drowns in the backyard
pool. Fortunately, Jenny recovers, but Gwen is furious
with Ethan: "No phone, no television, no going out,
and you are grounded until you show me you are capable
of behaving responsibly..." But Faith has other plans:
she has stolen some money and entices Ethan to go to a
cheap hotel (Harvest Motel) to make love. But right in
the middle of love-making, Faith confesses that, like
Ethan, she is a virgin. Ethan will not push her to make
love if she's not ready: "As much as I wanna do this
- and I do - I can wait."