Teenmag.com - Kevin Zegers
~October, 2000
(Posted on The Kevin Zegers Gallery Nov 17, 2000)
Full Name: Kevin Joseph Zegers
d.o.b.: September 19th, 1984 (Virgo)
Provenance: Woodstock,Ontario, Canada
Family: Parents Jim and Mary Ellen, sisters
Katie and Krista
Where you may have seen him: Kevin landed his
first job at age seven in Life With Mikey starring Michael J. Fox ,and
has guested on shows like The X-Files, So Weird, and Nickelodeon's Goosebumps
Where you'll catch him next: Kevin will be starring
opposite, get this, a monkey (Yep, an honest-to-God chimpanzee), in "MVP:
Most Valuable Primate" due in theatres October 20th. He'll also be
on NBC's sassy new series "Titans" (Wednesdays 8-9pm) as Ethan
the extremely mischievous (and hot, if we may say so) nephew of Victoria
Principal. You won't want to miss either - MVP is adorable in a "Mighty
Ducks/Air Bud" kind of way and Titans, as the promos say, is this
Fall's "Guilty Pleasure!"
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite snack: Cheese filled Ritz crackers
Favorite sports: "I love to play and watch
both hockey and golf." (He's also been on the St. Mary's Catholic
High School football and basketball teams) His favorite hockey team? Staying
true to his Canadian roots Toronto Maple Leaves, of course.
Favorite subject: Gym
Favorite movie: Basketball Diaries
Favorite movie snack: Peanut butter M&M's
What's in his CD player right now: Eminem, Papa
Roach, and House Music
Salty or sweet? Sweet
Who he'd most love to work with: Jodie Foster
and Anthony Hopkins
Tattoo or not to tattoo? "Well, when I'm
old enough I think I would get my name done in Chinese writing or something,
I think that would be cool."
Favorite T.V show ( other than Titans):
"I think I would have to go with either 90210
or the original cast or Fresh Prince of Bel Air."
Dream vacation: "Hawaii, so I could go
swim with the dolphins." (How sweet is that?)
Most embarrassing moment: "When I got pantsed
in the middle of school wearing no underwear. Yeah, that was pretty bad."
The super-human power he covets: The ability
to fly
Kevin's idea of a perfect Sunday? "To lay
on the beach all day with girls everywhere!"
What would his girlfriend think? "I don't
have one at the moment." (Wait till the movie and show hit! Look
When he is "taken" it's by someone with:
"I definitely need them to have a sense of humor, somebody who I
can laugh with and won't take everything too seriously. I think it's most
important to find someone who likes you for who you are and not what you
have or what you do. Oh, and a great smile is pretty important!"
Kevin's Official Site: http://bandi.hypermart.net/kevin/
For more info on "MVP: Most Valuable Primate": check out the
official website (it's actually pretty cool!): http://www.mvp-themovie.com/
Dec 22, 2000 -
Merrick James sent in these addition responses from Kevin to questions
from fans:
- I know you're a fan but I was wondering ...What do you think of Eminem's
I don't agree with what he says. But I acknowledge
his opinion. Whatever makes one feel better about him/herself... whatever
floats your boat.
- I'm a big fan of yours, What occupation do you plan to pursue if
your acting doesn't work out? (I doubt it won't.)
I guess I'd like to be a teacher or a doctor.
- Kevin, what is your favorite scene from "Air Bud: World Pup?"
Can't wait until I get to see you in that!
I liked all the soccer stuff. I like being active.
- You seem like a really great guy, and you're really good-looking,
so I'm sure you get plenty of offers to "go out." What do
you look for in a girlfriend, and who or what would your dream date
be like?
Someone who is funny, makes me laugh. Not saying
that looks don't count, but that's not first on my list. My dream date
would be somewhere quiet where we can talk, no distractions.
- What is your favorite of the movies that you've been in? Why?
I'd have to say that one of my favorite films is
"FOUR DAYS" because I played a character that I'd never portrayed
- Kevin, I read that you filmed a pilot for Aaron Spelling called "Almost
Home." What was the show about and will we ever see it?
"FINALLY HOME" was about a family who adopts
three kids. I doubt it'll be released, but I can only hope.
- Hey I'm a huge fan and I was wondering, what's it like working with
Yasmine Bleeth, Casper Van Dien, and Victoria Principal?
I've known Yasmine for a long time. We've worked
together before, so I'm really happy to work with her again. Casper
and I are big fitness buffs so we work-out together. And Victoria --
well, she's the best. She's "Mommy."
- Hi Kevin. I wanted to tell you that you are really hot, and you're
a really good actor. I wanted to know who your favorite actors are,
and if you have a girlfriend.
Some of my favorite actors are Anthony Hopkins and
Jody Foster. And no, I don't have a girlfriend.
- What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in your
I don't really get embarrassed. Sorry! :)
- I heard that you will be getting a love interest on Titans. Is this
true if so who will the lucky girl be?
My TITANS character will fall in love with Faith,
played by Katie Stuart.
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
When I got my dog "Holly" for Christmas.
- Hey Kevin! I was wondering, what was the last CD you bought?
The last CD I bought was NWA.
- So what was it like to work with the cast of "So Weird"?
Was it fun?
It was "so weird"... kidding. It was fun.
- Kevin, you have been someone I love to watch ever since you first
started acting! You are such a good actor especially for someone who
didn't take any classes. ell...my question is: What inspired you to
first start acting, how did you prepare at such a young age?
Thanks! I started out modeling. I was so young, my
mom helped me with my lines. As for not taking classes, I find that
on-the-job training and working on the set is ltimately the best class
one can take.
- If you could live in any time period, which would it be? And, could
you consider vacationing here in Puerto Rico?
I'd have to say The 60s. "Make love not war."
I'd love to visit Puerto Rico.
- Hey Kevin! I've been a fan of yours since "Air Bud" came
out, and I was lucky enough to meet you at the 1999 Young Star Awards.
I just wanted to ask you...if you could be in any band/group from ANY
time (not just the 90's and now) what group would you be in?
Thanks a bunch! I'd like to meet The Beatles and
Ozzie Osborne.
- HI! I'm 14, and think you are sooooooooooooo hot! I have posters
of you EVERYWHERE in my room! My question for you is, what do you look
for in a girl? Personality? Charm? Grace? Beauty? What?
All of the above, plus a sense of humor.
- What's Jack Wagner like? I've always admired him from afar. Has he
given you any advice?
Jack Wagner is a nut case. He's a great guy. I really
like him. I like his unaffected attitude. He's cool.
- Kevin, you have an amazing smile. What things make you laugh and
where are your ticklish spots?
Funny stuff makes me laugh. I'm not ticklish... really,
I'm not... for real :)
- Hey Kevin! You're totally awesome on "Titans"! I know you're
working w/ Yasmine Bleeth now, but what was it like kissing her in "It
Came From The Sky"?
Katy.... It was any 14-year-old guy's dream.
- I'm a [NHL Toronto Maple] leaf fan too so I was wondering who's your
favorite leaf?
Mats Sundin and Curtis Joseph are my favorite players.
- If your house caught on fire, and you could only save one thing in
your house, what would it be, and why?
My Michael Jordan signed game basketball used in
his last professional game.
- Hey Kevin! You seem like such a sweetheart! What's the sweetest thing
anybody's ever done for you? What about the sweetest thing you've done
anyone else?
My mom gave birth to me and I gave my parents company
-- a fun-loving guy.
- Who do you think should have won the million on Survivor?
The cute girl, COLLEEN.
- Hey Kevin! I heard that your nicknames are Keby and Ziggy. What do
they mean and how did you get them?
My younger sisters called me Keby when they couldn't
talk very well and couldn't say my name. And all my friends call me
Ziggy for Zegers.
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