MVP Trivia
from Kevin Zegers' film commentary
by cpps90
Jan 30, 2001
MVP DVD features Kevin in his first feature-length commentary. Here
is some information that comes from that commentary.
Kevin hadn't played ice hockey for 6 months before
filming MVP, so he was a little rusty.
Kevin was 14 when he made MVP. In real life, Junior
B hockey players are mostly 16 - 18, and much taller and heavier than
Director Robert Vince pronounces Kevin's name: ZAY-gers,
not ZEE-gers.
Steven Westover (Kevin) plays #4, right wing, and
is the Nuggets' top scorer. Westover was already a hockey star when
his parents moved from California to BC. He has joined the Nuggets
in hopes of attracting the attention of hockey scouts. In the end,
he is signed on by the WHL.
The WHL (Western Hockey League) is Canada's major
junior league hockey group. The players are quite big: average 6'0"
tall, 190 - 200 lbs. They are mostly 18 and 19 years old. Some of
the players go on to play for the NHL.
All the snow is fake, except for the snow in the
tree house scenes.
The Westover home was filmed in a Bed & Breakfast
in Vancouver.
The fake snow was made of pig fat!
Director Robert Vince plays one of the hockey players.
In one scene, he is shown bashing Kevin into a wall!
In the scene where the audience throws things at
Kevin, the egg was thrown by Kevin's dad!
Junior B hockey is the "lowest" level hockey,
but they aren't that bad, says Kevin. Some Junior B players have gone
on to play for the NHL.
Many of the actors in MVP were local actors in Vancouver.
MVP was filmed in April 1999 in Vancouver on a small
budget: $4.5 million.
To save money, cardboard figures were used for the
The audience seen in the climactic Harvest Cup game
is actually footage from a Vancouver Cannucks hockey game.
Jamie Renee Smith (Tara) says Kevin took a long time
to learn the sign language movements for his scenes.
Kevin says that in the scene where he asks Tara if
she was looking at a beaver, he was not using correct American Sign
Language, but rather a slang version.
In Kevin's shirtless scene, you can only see his
feet when he is using the toilet. Kevin says, those weren't his feet.
The airport scene at the end of the film was shot
at a real airport. But they only had about 10 minutes to do the whole
Some of the hockey players in MVP were real-life
professionals who played in Europe.
- He is 15 in the Production featurette.