Fans Talk About Kevin Zegers' Appearance on TV
Show House
Kevin Zegers in House |
By cpps90, prepared April 6, 2005
Ever wonder where young Canadian actor Kevin Zegers got the nickname The
Total Package?
TV viewers found out when they tuned in to Kevin's guest appearance on Fox
TV's House (episode "Occam's Razor," broadcast Nov 30,
2004) and were left with mouths gaping at the sight of the athletic young
actor stripped down for an explicit love-making scene.
But for Kevin Zegers, 20, it was all in a day's work.
Fans have have long known that Kevin's well-toned muscular look has been
quite prominent in the actor's work. Only a year ago, Kevin did a similar
scene in his guest role on WB's hit series Smallville: in the episode
"Magnetic" (broadcast Nov 13, 2003), Kevin gains superhuman magnetic powers after a medical
scanner blows a fuse while scanning his stripped-down body - undoubtedly
TV's most cleverly disguised tribute to the well-built actor.
In both Smallville and House as well as in numerous other
TV shows and films, Kevin's directors and producers have recognized the
young actor's handsome muscles as a major asset, as well as a source of
excitement among fans worldwide.
Kevin Zegers - already an industry veteran with almost three dozen films
to his credit - is very candid about the actor's advantage of having a great
body. The film star has acknowledged in interviews that, rightly or wrongly,
an actor's appearance is the first thing that viewers notice, and that attention
to appearance is to be ignored at an actor's peril.
This young actor practices what he preaches, having been developing his
body all his life. Years of playing sports, running, and lifting weights
have given Kevin a body that leaves admiring fans breathless, and which
has became an integral part of his acting persona. Kevin has played jocks
in the Air Bud film series and M.V.P., destroyed dragons in
Komodo, showed off his muscles in the pool in Titans, and
fought bullies in The Incredible Mrs Ritchie. Without doubt, Kevin
always gets his workout, even when he's not in a gym.
With muscles like these, you can bet that The Total Package will
be seeing more film action in the future.
The following is a transcript of several messages posted on the Kevin Zegers
Gallery regarding his appearance in House.
Kevin's message board note to the fans about his upcoming appearance
on House (posted July 16, 2004).
Kevin gives no hint about the nature of the part that he will be playing.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: List of Questions for Kevin?
Name: kev
Date Posted: Jul 16, 04 - 2:31 PM
Message: hello, kevin here again. Just got a job, doing a guest star on
fox's new show HOUSE. Bryan Singer is directing as well as producing.
I will be away all weekend but if everyone wants to write down some questions
I would be happy to answer them when I get back. Thank you once again
for your support. Oh and by the way, eveyone is wrong about my last name,
it's pronounced, Ziggers.
House episode "Occam's Razor" was broadcasted November
30, 2004.
The following is the unedited transcript of a message trail posted
by fans on the Kevin Zegers Gallery (posted Nov 30 - Dec 14, 2004): comments
from fans admiring the athletic young actor.
Subject: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's Discuss....
Name: KevFan61783
Date Posted: Nov 30, 04 - 6:11 PM
Message: Ok, so when Kevin filmed house, he was either 19 or 20, and the
things have obviously changed drastically since the episode of SMALLVILLE
and even INCREDIBLE MRS. RITCHIE. Kevin is definitely a muscular prodigy.
His arms, chest, and abs are like perfect. His arms are big, but not overly
huge, his chest is not like popping out like he has breasts but they are
there, and he obviously has either a six pack or an 8-pac...the showing
of his body in boxers was a help to.... DISCUSS EVERYONE!....
Subject: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's Discuss....
Name: Niki
Date Posted: Nov 30, 04 - 7:14 PM
Message: Oh yeah I'd definitely say Kevin has an awesome body. He just
gets yummier and yummier every time I see him
Subject: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's Discuss....
Name: Maya
Date Posted: Nov 30, 04 - 7:16 PM
Message: What are you talking about? Kevin was way more buff for IMR!
He looked more "lean" in House - that's the way I like him :)
Subject: Re: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's Discuss....
Name: KevFan61783
Date Posted: Nov 30, 04 - 7:32 PM
Message: Where in IMR is he more buff than in HOUSE...
he looked more buff in house to me than ever before...
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's Discuss....
Name: Niki
Date Posted: Nov 30, 04 - 8:48 PM
Message: I actually thought he looks more buff IMR too but he still has
a really great body.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's Discuss....
Name: KevFan61783
Date Posted: Nov 30, 04 - 9:02 PM
Message: well, we never get to see him shirtless in ritchie, so its hard
to tell...if ur going by the look of his chest, i think that was due to
an incredibly tight shirt.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's Discuss....
Name: Jenny
Date Posted: Dec 1, 04 - 7:56 AM
Message: Hi, guys how are you? It's been a while.
I thought he looked cute. However, the thought of that girl riding the
Air Bud kid rugged is still pretty startling.
Other than that, Kevin looks cuter that ever
Just my two cents, lol. Oh God, it's so good to be back!
Take care,
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's Discuss....
Name: Niki
Date Posted: Dec 1, 04 - 10:49 AM
Message: Ah actually whats even more startling is some lady old enough
to be his mother making out with him and how old was he in four days?
Same with "it came from the sky" Now that he's considered an
adult its not as gross.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's
Name: tams
Date Posted: Dec 1, 04 - 9:09 PM
Message: very nice episode. talk about overexposing skin. but at least
he has a good body. i haven't seen anyone who has taken better care of
their body than he has. anyway, just for the hell of it, was that his
booty or a stand in? probably his. anyway good job kev!
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's
Name: T
Date Posted: Dec 1, 04 - 11:39 PM
Message: Yep, it definitly was quite a bit of skin showing, but I'm not
complaining. I wouldn't say he has taken care of his body more than anyone
else, but he has definitly taken better care of it than I have with mine.
He has gotten more lean and slender, rather than buffed and bulky. He
always was kind of a skinny guy, but he did seem a bit more buffed, or
bulky, in the past. Lately, it has been the lean road. His chest didn't
seem to be as big as before, though. And the sex scene was like porn without
the nudity. That was pretty graphic for 9:00 tv, but, again, I am not
complaining. When watching that, I thought it was going to be more implied.
Hell was I wrong!!!!!!
I thought the sex scene was great enough, they go and show him naked later
on. Of course, it was all in a hospital setting, so it wasn't really that
great, if you know what I mean. Anyway, enough of the body commentary.
It's not like we haven't thought of these sorts of things before with
him. The Air Bud image is comming off.
So, overall, I thought it was a good show. Makes me want to see Transamerica
Subject: Odd Turns, Re: Re: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's Discuss
Name: always4kev
Date Posted: Dec 13, 04 - 8:23 PM
Message: These pics are the first i've seen of the House show; sorry I
missed it. Kevin does seem to be losing alot of his muscle lately, I have
to agree. He was really stocky in "Komono" and "Fear of
the Dark," and kept the muscle for "Wrong Turn." He at
least kept the stocky look he has had going back to "Treasure Island."
Thats what bothered me a little about those pics, they didn't even look
like him at points; and did you say he was shown naked later?? I didn't
think Kevin did nudity. Are you sure this was Kevin or another actor that
looks a lot like him, does Kevin have a twin?
Subject: Re: Re: Kev's Muslces On HOUSE!.....Let's Discuss....
Name: Chris
Date Posted: Dec 14, 04 - 1:08 PM
Instant Messenger: runnerc81288
Message: i think kevin definately looked more skinny in house than he
did..... he still had the muscle tone but i think it went down a little..
he doesnt look as built maby he lost more body fat maby he hasnt been
able to work out in a while.. i dont know but i saw a distinct difference
between when he gueststared in smallville and now when hes a guest star
on house
its not to the good or the worse its just an observation