Luke Halpin's Arms, Deep Waters
The lean muscularity of Luke Halpin's arms reached new heights toward the end of Season 2 in Ep 58 Deep Waters. |
Luke Halpin's Arms -
Ep 58, Deep Waters
Ep 58 - Deep Waters is one of the final episodes of Season 2. Broadcasted Apr 2, 1966, Deep Waters contains some of the most memorable shots of Luke Halpin's physical form ever seen in the entire series. Ep 58 features the popular shirt removal scene where Luke reveals his well-built upper body for the first time in the episode.
Luke's muscles in Deep Waters display a level of maturity not seen in Season 1 or most of Season 2. Deep Waters is almost a class of its own, and can be seen and examined almost like a separate level in Luke's overall physical development.
One of the important highlights of Deep Waters is Luke Halpin's arms. Luke's arms in Ep 58 still display the lean look of past episodes but are now much more muscular.
In Deep Waters,
Luke's arms have a lean look that is packed with dense, hard muscles. The fat content within his arms is exceptionally low, giving his arm muscles - particularly those in his upper arms - a highly defined and separated look. When flexed, his biceps displays an impressive, bulging peak. Similarly, his triceps become highly defined when flexed, especially in scenes where he is pushing himself out of the water.
The shoulders are technically not a part of the arm. But it is impossible to ignore Luke's shoulders which are positively massive, forming gigantic caps to his arms.
His forearms are strong and display a tight density and size that compliments the heavier muscles of his upper arms. All of his arm muscles are quite dense and highly separated
The Story Begins
While Deep Waters is one of Luke's most popular episodes, it may be a surprise to some to learn that his character Sandy Ricks doesn't appear until almost halfway through the episode. The first half is primarily devoted to Porter and Ulla, who wind up stranded in deep water after their minisub is disabled in an accident.
When we first see Sandy, he is walking home from school while Bud tries to interest him in a diving match with another boy. From the start, then, Sandy is portrayed as an elite athlete whose prowess Bud wants to use to attain a personal reward.
In this scene, Luke is in a t-shirt and long pants. However, as Luke's arms are quite long, and his t-shirt sleeves are quite short, we are able to get our first view of Luke's arms:
The first three pictures show the impressive muscle tone of Luke's upper arm. The 4th picture is an eye-opening view of the front of Luke's arm. The biceps is clearly outlined and is well separated from the triceps behind it. In the forearm, the flexor muscles are highly separated and tensed. What we see here is an arm where every muscle is highly developed and pumped.
In the next scene, the action moves to the dock in front of the house. Sandy has turned his right side toward the camera. As if to give equal time to his right arm, Luke gives us a close look:
Luke's long arms easily show beneath the short sleeves of his t-shirt. His upper right arm is dense and highly toned.
Luke's left arm is positioned toward the back. The following closeups reveal some important characteristics:
Notice how the left biceps is bulging out of the arm even though it is extended and unflexed. This is especially interesting when we see that Luke is not even carrying anything with his left hand:
Thus Luke's left biceps is bulging not because of any load, but because of its high level of muscle tone.
Following Flipper On The Launch
**The story continues: Bud and Sandy are worried about Flipper and decide to follow him in their father's launch. Bud thinks Porter and Ulla are in trouble below the surface. But Sandy tries to call them on the radio and gets no answer: the sub is so far away, even the radio can't reach it.
As Sandy discusses what to do next, he extends his right hand and rests it on the accelerator. We get the following view of his right arm:
"...the sub can't be anywhere near here. They're even out of range of our radio." (Sandy) |
Luke gives another demonstration of his high muscle tone. The triceps can seen in this view.
Luke Halpin Removes His Shirt
**The story continues: Bud looks around the boat but can't see what Flipper is so excited about. Sandy can't see anything either...above water. So he decides to check out underwater.
Up until now, we have been examining Luke Halpin's arms as seen within his sleeves. But now Luke removes his shirt, and for the first time, we can see his arms fully exposed from end to end:
These profile views of his left arm show the huge shoulder muscle as well as the separation between biceps and triceps.
With their lean, highly defined muscularity, Luke's arms hold up well against the other muscle groups like his chest and abs:
With his shirt removed, Sandy now puts on his diving gear. During this scene, Luke bends his left arm as he puts on his face mask.
Luke's entire arm is quite muscular here. From the large shoulder, down through the considerable biceps, throughout the solid forearm, Luke's arm is thoroughly developed and
every bit suitable for his pursuit of water sports.
One important detail to observe in this scene is the shape of Luke's biceps. As Sandy continues to adjust his face mask, there is a slight turn in his arm which brings the biceps into better view:
With this subtle change in postion, along with the lighting and shadows, the viewer can better examine the shape and size of Luke's biceps. This is an impressive arm, the arm of an athlete.
Luke Under Water
**The story continues: Sandy dives into the water to continue his search for the minisub. Deeper and deeper he goes, until the growing pressure of the water depth forces him to return to the launch.
While Luke is towed by the dolphin, we get a view of his extended left arm, the same arm that was shown while he was suiting up for the dive.
The impressive muscle tone and low body fat is evident here. Note the definition and separation of the triceps.
Back on the launch, as Luke towels himself off, and we get our first good look at his right arm:
This scene reveals the impressive level of development of his upper right arm. Note the size and shape of the deltoid and biceps.
As Luke passes the towel over his right arm, he rotates
his arm inward slightly, allowing the triceps to show:
Luke looks down at his arm as he does this. But the sight of his triceps is no doubt drawing the attention of his television audience as well.
Luke switches sides with the towel. We now get another view of his right biceps from a slightly different perspective which shows its separation from the surrounding muscles:
Also note the bulging shape of the left biceps.
When Luke raises his hand to his face, we can see the top portion of the flexed biceps very distinctly. These examples are also good illustrations of his forearm:
Luke begins to remove his diving gear. In the process, his arm moves to a profile view. Luke's arms are much more muscular than one would expect from someone with a slender build:
With his facemask and oxygen tanks pulled off, Luke now unfastens his weight belt. Luke moves his arm behind his back, giving it a squarish shape. Look at the deep groove of separation between the large shoulder muscle and the triceps:
As Luke brings the towel up to his face, his arm becomes more flexed. His biceps is clearly defined here as it bulges outward:
As Luke applies the towel to his face,
the effects of light and shadow outline his hard biceps:
Luke is standing fully erect here, and faces the camera. His highly toned arm muscles are not outdone by his large chest:
Sandy tosses the towel aside. Even this simple motion is made memorable with Luke's bare arms:
The Second Dive
**The story continues: Sandy is about to leave the area when Flipper tosses him a peculiar scrap of metal. Sandy recognizes it as a piece of a submarine propeller and immediately concludes that the minisub is in trouble.
Sandy turns and heads toward the front of the launch. We get another profile view of Luke's right arm:
As Sandy nears the front of the launch, he places a hand on the edge of the seat. This moment goes by quickly, appearing fuzzy in screen captures. Yet even in these blurred pictures, we get a brief glimpse of Luke's massive biceps that is unforgettable.
Sandy keeps his hand on the seat as he moves forward, extending his arm to full length. Here we get a good illustration of the long shape of Luke's biceps:
Luke's relaxed arms show impressive muscle tone:
Sandy catches the propeller fragment tossed to him. Here Luke swings to his right, revealing the large biceps in his left arm:
In this front view, one can see the vein running up Luke's right upper arm in the shadow:
The second dive
**The story continues: Sandy
dives the entire 250 feet to reach the disabled minisub.
As Sandy prepares for his second dive, he puts the ladder back in place. This scene contains some of the most amazing shots of Luke's (left) biceps:
After setting the ladder in place, Luke turns and gets ready to suit up. The shots of his muscular upper arm are incredible:
As Luke puts on his facemask, we get a profile view of his left arm. Note the large size of the shoulder and the bulging shape of the biceps:
As Luke climbs over the side of the launch, his upper arm is flexed tightly. In these highly dramatic shots, the deltoid, triceps, and biceps muscles are highly separated:
Reaching the stranded sub
**The story continues: Sandy reaches the disabled sub and checks that Porter and Ulla are okay. Porter directs him to get a cable. Back on the launch, Sandy relays the message to the Coast Guard. With the sub's air quickly running out, Sandy decides to dive back one more time to bring the cable to the sub.
As Sandy speaks to the Coast Guard, Luke rests his right hand on his hip. This is an interesting view of Luke's extended right arm in a shadow:
Sandy resumes his conversation with Bud. Luke turns sideways, creating a profile view of his flexed biceps. The bulging shape of hte biceps is clearly seen. Also, take note of the large shoulder muscle:
The Third Dive
**The story continues: Bud becomes frantic when Sandy announces his intention to take yet another dive to take the rescue cable to the stranded sub.
During this heated exchange, we get a close look at his left arm. Note the bulging shape of the biceps:
Sandy agrees to a compromise: he'll dive down part of the way and watch Flipper take the cable the rest of the way to the striken sub.
Sandy suits up for a third dive. Luke's well-built arms show that Sandy appears strong enough for a third dive despite Bud's concerns for his brother's safety.
Sandy successfully gets the cable down to the sub. These pictures show the bulging shape of Luke's left biceps to good effect.
As he is handling the cable, Luke extends his right arm. A careful look through the dark water environment reveals the large size of his right biceps:
Back in the launch, Sandy is all smiles as he watches the rescue of the sub, a rescue made all the more credible by Luke's strong arms: